Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Survival Guide for BIPOC Educators
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Malik continues Season 9 with a frank discussion of how BIPOC educators can survive burn-out and thrive in what is still a predominantly white environment in Oregon schools. Malik’s guest is Gregory Dunkin, a culinary arts teacher for twenty years in the Eugene 4J school district, who shares his wisdom with new educators and with the administrators who would like to retain them. He strongly advises BIPOC educators to find their community outside the school environment, in places where their feelings can be understood and validated.
Within the school environment, Gregory and Malik discuss the frustrating expectation that educators of color will be spokespeople for their culture. Gregory offers suggestions for finding spaces without an imposed agenda. And he upholds this priority in his role as mentor and teacher, letting young people grow their own mindsets, develop critical thinking skills, and form their own connections with each other. Community and recognition of culture is key for educators and students, both within and outside of the classroom.
Resources -
OEA Members Speak Out About Equity Issues
Finding Community - Affinity Spaces and Equity SPARKS Retreat
OEA Fall Professional Learning Catalog
OEA Grow is a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Grow Your Own Programs
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
How does a school district ensure that students see themselves reflected in the diversity of its educators? Oregon schools have the opportunity to work toward this goal through the Grow Your Own (GYO) initiative, the topic of this week’s episode. Malik chats with Andreina Velasco, the David Douglas GYO Pathway Advisor, who explains that the program encourages BIPOC students to consider the education profession, with many returning to their former schools.
As Andreina points out, “It’s hard to see yourself in a role if you haven’t seen someone in that role who looks like you.” She emphasizes the importance of students interacting with educators who share their identity and understand their culture.
Resources -
The Grow Your Own Initiative
More about the Grow Your Own Program at the David Douglas School District
The BARWE Program (Building Antiracist White Educators), referenced by Andreina as an affinity group for white educators
Muhammed, Gholdy. Cultivating Genius. Scholastic Teaching Resources, 2020. A book recommended by both Malik and Andreina for its four-layered equity framework in K-12 literacy education for students of all ethnicities - As Andreina says, “It’s an injustice that students have to wait until college to learn about their identity.”
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Finding Your Community
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
This week Malik discusses educators’ need for community support with Sakura Hamada, school counselor for the Portland Public Schools. Sakura explains the importance of finding one’s affinity space, a place to share a common identity, either within one’s school or in the outside community. She also feels that students, even those in the earlier grades, benefit from these spaces of belonging. Malik and Sakura encourage listeners to explore the resources for community building offered by OEA, such as Affinity Groups and the Equity SPARKS Retreat.
Resources -
Educational Affinity Groups: The Why and How
Harvard’s Implicit Association Test, referenced by Malik in this episode
OEA Affinity Spaces
OEA BIPOC Equity SPARKS Retreats
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Season 9 Host Introduction- Malik White
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Welcome to season nine of OEA Grow, a member-led production of the Oregon Education Association and a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network. Malik White will be your host for this year’s Back To School season of the podcast. In this season, educators will discuss topics like:
the early career educator experience
how we recruit and retain diverse teacher candidates
How we support diverse early career educator
Setting boundaries and work/life balance
What I wish I knew in my first year
The OEA Grow podcast is just one of many opportunities from OEA to grow your professional practice. To learn about other professional learning opportunities available through OEA, visit grow.oregoned.org.
Our the courses in our fall catalog are available as a benefit of union membership.
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Bonus Episode: Adaptive PE
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
In this special bonus episode from season seven on special education, member host Venus Reeve talks with Redmond School District adaptive physical education (APE) teachers Sean Corson and Amy Nickell. Amy and Sean educate listeners on what adaptive physical education is and why it’s important. Sean describes the Oregon state mandates for physical education that apply to all students, those with and without disabilities. Amy educates us on how students establish eligibility for APE.
At the heart of APE is making sure students are safe and successful in their physical education experiences at school and achieving this requires specialists trained in APE. Equal access to physical education gives all students access to fitness for life which impacts physical, mental , and social health.
Evaluating access to physical education minutes for K-12 students with disabilities in California
APE Teachers Advocate to Retain Staff Positions and Services in Portland School District
ODE Adjusted Division 22 Compliance Timeline: PE Requirements
Oregon Administrative Rules - Adaptive Physical Education Specialization
OEA Grow is a member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Connecting with Students’ Cultures
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Our topic this week is connecting with students when their language and culture differ from the dominant one of the school district. Beth’s guest is Monica Bergmann Perez who draws on her twenty years of experience in the field of bilingual speech pathology and Early Intervention Education to address this growing challenge to Oregon educators.
Monica explains the difficulties that students face when they must navigate different languages and social norms between school and home. She offers suggestions for all grade levels and encourages educators to broaden their inclusion of varying cultures in the classroom. Monica encourages viewing what might seem a hurdle as a strength for the bilingual child with the flexibility to code switch, and also an educational opportunity for everyone in the class.
Another OEA Member, Angela Vargas, Celebrates Diversity of Cultures in the Classroom
A Sample Lesson Plan for Celebrating Different Cultures
Making Course Materials More Relevant to Various Cultures, “Bringing a New Vibe to the Classroom”
“How Cultural Differences Can Make School Tougher for Students”
OEA Grow is a member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Connecting Students with the Trades
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
This week’s episode focuses on ways to connect students to life after graduation. Beth chats with Alan Wheeler, named the 2023 Teacher of the Year by the Oregon Association for Career and Technical Education, about how his Construction Technology classes at Redmond High School prepare students for the workplace. Alan explains his emphasis on practical skills, beginning with the basic understanding of how to use each tool safely and progressing to larger, more meaningful projects that can reach beyond the classroom. Last spring, his classes worked with Oasis Village in Redmond to build bedroom shelters for the unhoused.
And, of course, these courses are not geared only toward students who plan careers in the construction industry. Alan explains that students who may be struggling in more academic courses and those who may favor hands-on approaches often appreciate a course that brings balance to the curriculum. CT students learn math, physics, and chemistry skills; they learn to read blueprints; and they learn the logical sequence of following directions. In addition, they learn at least rudimentary skills in woodworking, plumbing, and electricity - useful skills for anyone regardless of career plans.
All Redmond 2023 ACTE Award Winners
Alan Wheeler’s Students Build Homes for the Houseless
High-paying jobs that don't need a college degree? Thousands of them sit empty
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Connecting With Librarians
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
This week’s episode addresses a challenge facing Oregon educators today, how to connect students with crucial library resources in the face of current funding issues. Beth talks with Liz Beazizo, librarian for West Salem High School, about the statewide shortage of school librarians due to cuts in our education budget. There are currently no certified librarians in Oregon elementary and middle schools and only 147 high school librarians in the entire state. Liz explains what this means for classroom teachers who now have few trained librarians to support class projects or teach research and information literacy skills. And, of course, now more than ever, students need guidance in navigating through social media and chatbot sites for reliable information. They also need the trusted presence of a school librarian, presiding over the safe space of a library, what Liz calls the “living room of the building,” without judgment or grades. Liz offers suggestions about how the connections with school libraries might be maintained in these challenging times. Library assistants offer services when trained librarians are unavailable, and educators can work together to ensure that students feel comfortable and confident in their library skills.
Oregon Libraries
Why School Libraries Matter
In Appreciation of School Librarians
Empowering Oregon Students by Supporting School Libraries
Literacy and Wellbeing at School Libraries
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Connecting Educators with Our Union
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
In this episode Beth speaks with Jana Giles, a 3rd grade educator and local union leader about how educators can connect with their union. Jana shares that she became involved in her union for three main reasons. First, she was asked to share her story by her bargaining team when they were in contract negotiations and she wanted to make her voice heard. Next, her local vice-president asked her to become more involved. And finally, her UniServ Consultant invited her to participate in a statewide Emerging Leaders cohort coordinated by OEA.
Jana shares how the professional learning she received from OEA helped her grow in her professional practice, connect with fellow educators from around the state, and stand up to advocate for herself and others. She discusses ways union members can engage in local advocacy, professional learning, political participation, and work collectively to improve our profession and our communities.
Why Should You Join a Union?
Find Your Local Union
New Oregon Education Association Website
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities offered by OEA
OEA Grow is a member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Connecting with Mentor Teachers
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
In this episode, host Beth Ayelot speaks with Jessica Classen from the David Douglas School District Mentoring Program. They talk about the support that a mentoring program can offer new teachers by connecting them with more experienced educators. The main focus of the program are first and second year teachers, with a number of embedded supports in and out of the classroom.
The work of a mentor provides support in professional practice, as well as social and emotional support. These programs are not evaluative or judgemental, and mentors have firm boundaries about how they discuss a mentee with an administrator. Confidence is a central part of the relationship. Ultimately, mentors are advocates for new teachers.
In districts where there is not an established mentoring program, Jessica encourages new educators to “find your people and a place where you feel like you fit.” This could be a person who you confide in, bounce ideas off of, and vent your frustration without sinking too far down.
Learn more about the David Douglas New Teacher Mentoring Program
Union Supports Early Career Educators- OEA Website
OEA Grow is a member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.